It is very important
to give them lots of activities which involves not only
conceptualizing but also helps as a catalyst to their physical,
emotional and intellectual development.
It is very amazing to know how children record and register
every action by their care giver (or people around them).
They are constantly growing, learning and changing. Through
The Catalyst Advantage
Curricula, we help each child recognize his or her own special
interests and expand beyond them. We introduce new concepts
in ways that help children internalize knowledge and not
just memorizing it. This is an important time in a child's
life to prepare for school and to develop a love of learning.
(All children are talented, capable and special. They should
feel valued for who they are. We know that children learn
best when they are actively engaged, whether they enjoy
music, art, mathematics or science.) It is very important
to give them lots of activities which involve not only conceptualizing
but also helps as a catalyst to their physical, emotional
and intellectual development.
Our Catalyst advantage
curricula lays equal importance on developing literacy skills
of reading, writing and numeric ability, as much as on developing
aesthetic appreciation for art and creativity in children.
The Catalyst Advantage
Curricula provides opportunity for our children to represent
their ideas and expressions through art, music and dramatic
play. It also endeavors to develop oral expression.
The Catalyst advantage
curriculum empowers all our programmes and gives the advantage
of the best teaching/learning methods in child development.
The curriculum is inspired by the Reggio Emilia, Waldrof,
Glenn Doman, Frobel and Montessori methods. It aims at creating
multiple intelligences in the children.
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