

Our facility and knowledge rooms are organized into various learning centers where children have the opportunity to choose the learning areas they want to indulge in. Different child safe and child friendly materials are placed at convenient heights for them to access them in an ambience created to stimulate excitement and make learning a fun filled experience.

At Strawberry Fields we create a joyful, warm and safe environment for your child. Also you will find areas specifically designed to encourage growth through play. Your child will discover while under the watchful eye of their teachers/ care providers. Activities are drawn from the curriculum areas of art, math, science, music and movement, social studies, practical life dramatic play, language arts, manipulative and large muscle activities. Our facility design and layout ensure an atmosphere of free thought and expression for every child.

Various learning centers where your child will indulge in active learning are

Dramatic play center : Here your child will enjoy acting the roles of real and imaginary characters where they will have puppets and other props available for them to use. This area encourages the child to pretend and role play, further helping them to learn about themselves, their families and communities.

Block center :
The children get to learn about sizes, shapes, colours, numbers, order, area, length and weight as they select and build the blocks.

Music and Movement center : Music naturally delights children. Even babies feel its force both physically and emotionally. Toddlers will happily clap, rock or sway to music. Preschool and Kindergarten children are encouraged to move with music and often make up little dances to dramatize songs or events to express emotions and concepts.

Library center
: This is the area where the child brings imagination into reality. The child gets to see beautiful pictures of the stories he has been told about during his communication session and allows him with much required solitude to think and ponder about. Having easy access to variety of books bring about an eagerness in them to want to read.

Manipulative games and Puzzle center :
Children love mysteries. With the assistance of their facilitator, they get to solve games and puzzles developing their analytical, logical and spatial skills.

Sand and Water center : Children Love to play with sand and water. We at SF use this as a powerful tool to improve their physical dexterity, the children are taught to sift the sand and scoop water which naturally builds various skills. They also learn so much more about the concept of properties of solids, liquids etc.

Art area : Most of the young children love art. They love the process of using the paint on the paper, gluing things together and making rolls of clay. Playing with the different art materials, the children are exposed to colour, shape, design and texture.

Technology center : Use of computer by the children helps them to acquaint themselves with better understanding of the use of technology. Interactive CD's and programs make their learning more interesting.

Science Discovery : Children indulge in various materials collected from nature which act as tools for investigation and provide them the opportunity to involve in simple experiments.

Home Corner : Here text not available

Concept Center : All the materials, pictures, objects related to the concept being covered during the week are kept for children to interact, manipulate and learn.

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